Join Our Affiliate Program And Earn Money

You can make great money by referring your subscribers and followers to PRODUCT NAME as one of our trusted affiliates.

Your customers will love PRODUCT NAME  because it provides great value. YOU will love PRODUCT NAME  because it’s a top seller with carefully designed sales process that converts well!

Happy Affiliate's name, Her Company Name

In addition to having a super ROBUST members area with training modules, mp3 audios, videos, pdf’s and software tools, the sales process offers visitors the opportunity to purchase directly from the sales page or by grabbing the free report.

There is a free report and audio-course offered for free to establish a relationship with the potential customer. (You can examine the free material for yourself right here in this members area) This method has proven time and time again to be extremely effective.

help-iconWhat does this mean to me?

This means that the visitors you invite to the PRODUCT NAME HERE sales page will be treated with respect and VALUE. There is a high likelihood that they will purchase a membership just like you! When they purchase, YOU will earn a commission, each and every time!

help-iconHow much money will I earn?

You get a massive 50% commission on all sales of PRODUCT NAME HERE. All you need is your Clickbank ID. If you don’t have one you can get one free by clicking here.

Now that you have your Clickbank ID you can easily get all your affiliate tools customized by simply inserting your Clickbank ID and clicking “Personalize Affiliate Tools!” We’ve made it so simple for you so that all you have to do is copy, paste, promote and earn!

help-iconHow and when do I get paid?

ClickBank, our third party processor handle all affiliate tracking and will send you a check twice a month. To check your stats you just need to login into your ClickBank account.

help-iconHow do I promote?

The goal is to get as many people to click on your affiliate link as possible. (Without spamming or black hat tactics) We highly recommend that you use this Affiliate Promo Formula to get lots of traffic to click on  your affiliate link

I have made it a complete “No-Brainer” by supplying you with everything you need below. These are pre-written emails, blog posts, and even graphics that you can use on your websites!


Closing words of reassurance here with a call to action  about becoming an affiliate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce at laoreet tortor. Quisque lacinia massa vitae molestie posuere. Integer porttitor adipiscing lectus, vitae eleifend urna condimentum eu.

You should mention your SUPPORT details here as well before you close the letter. Etiam facilisis nunc sit amet facilisis tempor. Curabitur at lorem vehicula, commodo elit eget, sodales sapien. Sed cursus risus nec augue porta laoreet. Maecenas eu sapien mattis, faucibus libero a, ullamcorper lacus. Pellentesque eget aliquam sapien, sit amet viverra est. Proin tortor elit, feugiat eget elit et, tempus pharetra dolor.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce at laoreet tortor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur

YourSignatureTo Your Success,
Your Name Here
