HLS Members Area Skeleton Home Page
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Welcome [wlm_firstname]!
From: Your Name Here
Re: Topic of the website
Your Membership Profile Details
Name: [wlm_firstname] [wlm_lastname]
Email: [wlm_email]
Access Level: [memberlevel]
User Name: [wlm_username]
Dear [wlm_firstname] ,
This is a brief welcome letter. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce at laoreet tortor. Quisque lacinia massa vitae molestie posuere. Integer porttitor adipiscing lectus, vitae eleifend urna condimentum eu. Etiam facilisis nunc sit amet facilisis tempor. Curabitur at lorem vehicula, commodo elit eget, sodales sapien. Sed cursus risus nec augue porta laoreet. Maecenas eu sapien mattis, faucibus libero a, ullamcorper lacus. Pellentesque eget aliquam sapien, sit amet viverra est. Proin tortor elit, feugiat eget elit et, tempus pharetra dolor.
Follow These Steps Before You Proceed |
Step 1: Whitelist Our Email
Some email clients may not recognize our email address and accidentally filter us. By following these quick and simple instructions you will insure that none of our important updates and messages will end up in your spam folder. CLICK HERE
Step 2: Your Bonus Training
The IM Evolution Webinar is a "must attend" training event. This is a key presentation that will reveal critical changes that are happening to our industry THIS YEAR. This information is 100% straight forward with no fluff. Leverage this knowledge and stay ahead of the curve. CLICK HERE
Step 3: Join Our Community
Our Facebook Group is a great way to connect, ask, share and interact with the other members of our website. This is an awesome opportunity to forge long lasting relationships with other internet marketers and create joint ventures partnerships! CLICK HERE
Closing welcome remarks here with some instructions about becoming an affiliate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce at laoreet tortor. Quisque lacinia massa vitae molestie posuere. Integer porttitor adipiscing lectus, vitae eleifend urna condimentum eu.
You should mention your SUPPORT details here as well before you close the letter. Etiam facilisis nunc sit amet facilisis tempor. Curabitur at lorem vehicula, commodo elit eget, sodales sapien. Sed cursus risus nec augue porta laoreet. Maecenas eu sapien mattis, faucibus libero a, ullamcorper lacus. Pellentesque eget aliquam sapien, sit amet viverra est. Proin tortor elit, feugiat eget elit et, tempus pharetra dolor.
To Your Success,
Your Name Here
Before You Begin - Claim Your Unadvertised Bonus
This is the most valuable affiliate real estate. You should provide a valuable free gift here in exchange for a sale. You should consider your customers frame of mind. What do they desperately need at this point in the funnel? Whatever that is you should give it to them for free if they purchase something through your link. We have found that hosting offers work well here. You should test several things here to see what works best but don’t miss this step cause you’ll leave tens of thousands of dollars on the table.